Ashtead Hospital: 01372 221 400 (Monday to Friday) and 01372 898 957 (Saturdays)Email

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for great care

Leading healthcare professionals

Menopause and HRT

40 minutes appointment required.

Menopausal side effects such as hot flushes, vaginal dryness, tiredness, worsening memory and mood changes can dramatically reduce quality of life for some women.

Our doctors are experienced in managing patients suffering with menopausal symptoms and can discuss in detail all the appropriate treatment options, available to you.

There are many treatment options available to women suffering with menopausal symptoms. These range from herbal, acupuncture, non-HRT treatments, to topical HRT and conventional HRT medications.

Blood tests are available, and are important in deciding on the lowest effective dose for HRT treatments, these include cholesterol, glucose, thyroid function tests, oestradiol and FSH.

Regular review with the doctor may also be advised, and further blood tests may be needed to monitor and optimise HRT treatment.

If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer or have tested positive for an abnormal breast cancer gene (BRCA1 or BRCA2) and so are at high risk, you shouldn’t use HRT.

If you would like to discuss your options with one of our doctors, please call and book an appointment.

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For a Private GP appointment call: 01372 221 400 (Monday to Friday) and 01372 898 957 (Saturdays only) Email: