Well Person Health Screening
At Your Private GP Service, Ashtead Hospital.
Health screening is an important way to check that our bodies are functioning at their best. In the same way that we ensure our cars have a regular MOT and service, our bodies can be checked over and tested, and potential problems can be identified and treated to help us to live longer healthier and happier lives.
Our experienced GPs will be with you from start to finish for your health screening. We start with a 45-minute face-to-face appointment, which includes a detailed health enquiry, covering respiratory to neurological systems, including your past and present medical history. Also included is any family history of diseases, and your current diet and lifestyle. This helps the doctor to understand your background health and helps them to better assess your particular risk factors for illness.
Following this the doctor will perform a full physical examination including blood pressure check, height and weight measurement, ear, nose and throat examination, heart and lung assessment and abdominal examination. For women, a breast examination can also be done at this stage, and a *smear test (if requested).
Your doctor will then perform the blood testing. Our health screening blood tests are very comprehensive, covering haematology, biochemistry, liver function tests, thyroid function, diabetes markers, and lipids (including cholesterol). For men over 40 years of age, a prostate cancer screening marker (PSA) is included, and for men under 40 and women, a Vitamin D level is tested instead (please note: extra pathology tests can be added to all our health screens*).
A urine screening test can also be performed on the day, or the sample can be brought in at follow-up.
Should you wish to have any other blood tests (not included in the health screen) or specific investigations, such as ECG or Chest Xray, these can be discussed with the GP and requested if it is felt appropriate/useful.
Your 20-minute health screen follow up appointment can be booked with the same doctor (telephone option is available on request), a few days later and during this appointment the doctor will talk you through your test results and any recommendations to improve, or simply maintain, your health.
We strongly believe in the benefits of preventative medicine and our health screen is a simple way of ensuring your body stays in top condition. Our doctors are highly experienced, kind and professional. We take pride in ensuring each patient experience is stress free, thorough and as pleasant as possible.
Health screen package prices start at £500.
Dr Catherine Aboud, Dr Nadia Oozeerally and Dr Karen John are the three doctors who work for Your Private GP Service, Ashtead Hospital.
Our GPs are in clinic every weekday, offering face to face and telephone consultations, longer appointments can be booked on request.